(This post was written prior to 2016, in a blog entitled “Jubal’s Jottings.”)
There is much written these days (including a very nice, popular worship song) about the “heart of worship.” I think coming back to the “heart of worship” is a good thing…but how many times can you sing the song and KEEP coming back? Have we gone so far astray from God that we have to keep coming back by singing the song every week???! I hope we’re not that far off! Anyway, while the “heart of worship” is a good, basic principle, I was wondering whatever happened to the HEAD of worship? There are interpretations (that I happen to favor) of worship “in spirit and in truth” that speak to the issue of balance in our worship…the “spirit” representing the heart and emotional nature of worship, and “truth” referencing the factual thoughts about God in our worship. So, to be truly balanced, perhaps we should come back to the “head of worship” as well as the heart. If we were to be thoughtful and focused on the attributes and character qualities of God, it might actually enhance our emotional, heartfelt responses to God in our worship as well. If we were looking for the “head of worship” in our music we might see which pieces had substance in the lyrics, and which ones do not. And, perhaps, we would also recognize things about God that we missed because we were focused only the “heart of worship.” Hmmm…?
Jubal, let’s write a new song…”I’m coming back to the head of worship…”