Recordings & Other Publications

Consolation for the Suffering

“Daily Grace” (2016 arrangement)

Festive Fanfares

Gift From the Heart

Hur the Handholder

Jubilate!: An Ancient-Future Concert Mass

Lift Up My Soul

Proclaim Him Lord!

“Raise Your Glad Voices” (Christmas 2013)

Reconciled in Christ: Cape Town 2010

The Weary World Rejoices!

Arizona Summer (Film Score)

Search for more of my musical works at:

J.W. Pepper

Fuller Seminary / Brehm Center / Fred Bock Institute of Music / Jubal House

Hal Leonard

If you are interested in purchasing recordings and/or written music that are not available online, please contact me using the following form: Contact

If you have performed one or more of my works, or you will be in the near future, please complete the following form: Performance of Musical Works

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