Family worship ideas? What is family worship?
Well, I’m glad you asked.
You may think of it as family devotions. That’s part of it, but family worship time (or FWT, as my family calls it) expands on the traditional family devotion time.
This post comes courtesy of Ed’s elder daughter, Nicolette, who is a “retired” accountant and now a homeschool mom. She loves her family and loves to travel.

What is Family Worship?
Family worship, simply put, is the practice of reading the Bible, praying, and singing together as a family.
Aside from Advent season, a lot of us don’t carve out the time for this on the daily.
Family worship is the practice of reading the Bible, praying, and singing together as a family. Share on XWhy This? Why Now?
There’s something going on in our world right now. You may have heard of it? Coronavirus. COVID-19. Whatever it’s being referred to today. The virus.
It goes by many names, but for many people it spells one thing: FEAR.
Have you ever heard this acronym for the word “fear?”
False Evidence Appearing Real.
There it is. Our minds and hearts get carried away, and our focus turns away from the Solid Rock, from our Sure Foundation.
Should we show care and concern for our physical health? Yes! Should we show care and concern to the physical health of others? Yes! God created each and every one of us in His image, and we are to care for the physical body. (We are also to obey our God-given leaders, as long as it’s not in opposition to God’s instructions for our lives.)
Yet, even more so, as Christian parents, we are to care for our spiritual life and relationship to our Creator.
Extra Time & Flexibility
Many people are stocking up on household goods and buying whatever food the stores have on stock.
But, after the fridge, freezer, and pantry are stocked, then what?
Oh, right…the kids are home from school…and it’s not even spring break.
And church is online. And activities and events are cancelled. And travel is limited.
It’s unprecedented. I mean, even Disneyland is closed for weeks!
We, all of a sudden, have a lot of time on our hands. What to do?
One way to be intentional with all this time is to begin the practice of family worship in your home.
Starting family worship time in your home is one of the best things you could do with all this “extra time.”
Let’s use this time to help our families focus on what’s true, right, and worthy of our devotion.
It’s Time!
Now is the time! Many of you have unexpected hours with your kids. Spend the time wisely.
It’s time to begin the regular practice of worshiping the Lord together as a family. Learning together. Praying together. Praising the Lord together.
Maybe you’ve even been thinking about initiating family worship in your family life for some time now. Well, what better time than right now? It’s time!
Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city. We will spend a year there. We will buy and sell and make money.”
You don’t even know what will happen tomorrow.
Instead, you should say, “If it pleases the Lord, we will live and do this or that.”
James 4:13,14a,15a (NIrV)
The time is now!
What If My Kids are Too Young?
No child is too young. I’m totally serious! Read a Bible verse to your infant. Pray with your one-year old. Sing a song about God with your two-year old. Read a Bible story book with your preschooler.
Teach to the level of your young children, and adjust expectations and time accordingly.
What If My Family Doesn’t Want to Participate?
Let’s face it. Sometimes we just don’t feel like doing something, even when it’s good for us. Dentist appointments. Exercise. Family worship time.
Kids (and even some adults) may push back on the concept of family worship time altogether. Some may buy in at the beginning but not really be into setting aside the time on a daily basis.
I mean, there are jobs and schoolwork and recreational activities and electronics and video games and bed times and the list goes on. And the kids already go to Sunday school, right? Isn’t that enough? I totally get it.
But, worship doesn’t just happen at church, or Bible study, or prayer meeting. We’re worshiping every moment of every day…in how we act, in what we think, in how we treat others. Whether our worship is directed toward God or something else is the question.
Especially during this time when we are so concerned about our family’s physical health, we need to also be concerned about their spiritual health.
Men, take responsibility for the spiritual care of your family. Take this seriously. Find time. Make time. Prioritize the time.
Take this seriously. Find time. Make time. Prioritize the time. Share on XSingle moms and women whose husbands aren’t Jesus followers, I see you. You are more than able and well equipped to be the spiritual leader for your children.
Make family worship part of your everyday life. Teach your children about the Lord on a daily basis.
So keep my words in your hearts and minds.
Teach them to your children. Talk about them when you are at home. Talk about them when you walk along the road. Speak about them when you go to bed. And speak about them when you get up.
Deuteronomy 11:18a,19 (NIrV)
How important is the spiritual life and health of your family?
How important is the spiritual life and health of your family? Share on XI know it’s important to you! So, let’s move on from the whys to the hows.
Family Worship Ideas
Okay, this all sounds good. But, you ask, how can I accomplish this? You say you don’t have time to prepare an hour-long family Bible study every day?
That’s not what I’m talking about here…unless that’s what you feel led to do. Let’s start with a few practical tips:
- Make it fun for little ones and younger children, as well as attention-keeping for older children.
- Make it personal and applicable. It needs to matter right here and right now, at age-appropriate levels.
- Create a role for each family member, whatever their age, and rotate these roles (read a Bible passage, etc.).
- Don’t let what you call it be a barrier. Family devotions. Family worship time. Daily family devotions. It doesn’t matter what it’s called, just that it happens.
Family worship time is not denomination specific. It is Jesus-specific and Bible-specific. Beyond that, allow the Lord to lead you.
In terms of when, here’s what works for our family. FWT happens between dinner and shower/bedtime. In total, it’s usually less than 30 minutes (our kids are 10 and 8, at the time of this writing), including reading, discussion, praying, and singing.
Family Worship Resources
You don’t own a study Bible? You want simple ideas, because you don’t have a long time to come up with your own creative ideas at the end of a busy day? You need a simple plan?
The good news (about the Good News…see how I did that?) is that you are not on your own when it comes to family worship resources. Here are some great resources for you and your family. We’ve used all of these at one time or other and in one way or another.
Some of these resources are in the format of a family devotional book and some are not. The ones that aren’t, however, can easily be adapted for your family worship time.
Regarding singing together as a family, if there are no piano or guitar players in your household, and your kids are older, find a song on YouTube that you’re all familiar with from church…and sing along!
For some ideas regarding an Evangelical Catechism (isn’t THAT intriguing?!?), check out this article!

Case for Grace for Kids

Case for Faith for Kids

Case for a Creator for Kids

Case for Christ for Kids

The Children’s Illustrated Bible

The Big Picture Story Bible

My ABC Bible Verses: Hiding God’s Word in Little Hearts

Big Thoughts for Little Thinkers (book series)

The Gospel Story Bible: Discovering Jesus in the Old and New Testaments

25 Hymns Every Child Should Know (CD)

The Action Bible

Cold-Case Christianity for Kids: Investigate Jesus with a Real Detective

What’s in the Bible (DVDs)

Exploring the Bible: A Bible Reading Plan for Kids

The Biggest Story

Old Story New

Long Story Short
I hope you’re encouraged to begin a family worship time in your home! Go ahead and run with these family worship ideas.
Family worship time in your home is time well spent! For such a time as this…and beyond!

So excited to find this on my Instagram feed! So timely. Thanks,Ed ????????