Deal With the Problem, Not the Symptom

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(This post was written prior to 2016, in a blog entitled “Jubal’s Jottings.”)

Well, I just got back from speaking at a worship conference again. And, I heard it again…and again! People keep asking how to work with older people who don’t like the new songs…and how to work with younger people who don’t like the old songs. It’s the same ol’ thing. My contention is always the same – people are dealing with the symptom of the problem, but not the problem. I have yet to be in a dialogue about these questions where those involved have tried to develop a vision for their ministry, and therefore, a game plan that helps all parties deal with these questions. It is no wonder they are frustrated and asking the questions (for which they want an easy, quick answer, of course!). They have become complaint managers rather than vision givers! I know, vision takes hard work, gathering a consensus, disseminating a plan to the church community, explaining the vision over and over and over, and then doing it again, having discussions with people on both sides of the spectrum…on and on. I just think in the long run, God is better honored, and the complaints are much easier to deal with because they are then being pressed through the grid of the vision, not everyone’s opinion.

So, Jubal, I suppose you have some music you don’t like, too? Get a vision!

Ed is a composer, conductor, orchestrator, worship consultant & educator, and author. He has been a director of a music institute at a seminary, a worship & arts pastor at a large church, a music professor at a university, and has written orchestrations as a profession. Ed has also traveled the world, sharing the gift of music in places like South Africa, Romania, and Argentina.

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