(This post was written prior to 2016, in a blog entitled “Jubal’s Jottings.”)
We sing these phrases once a year…”God and sinners reconciled…Offspring of the Virgin’s womb…Veiled in flesh the Godhead see…Hail the incarnate Deity…Born that man no more may die….” The good part is that we DO once a year ingest these great theological statements of Christian belief into our hearts and minds through the gift of song. The sad part is that we sing them quickly, without due explanation or significant contemplation…and poof, we don’t sing them again for another year!
In the following link, several people offer their interesting thoughts on Christmas songs and theology. Not all Christmas carols have totally accurate statements in them, so we should perhaps practice care when arbitrarily singing them. The authors in this link describe differing views as to how to handle these treasured carols with great care!
http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2010/december/2.16.html/ (article preview for non-subscribers)
Christianity Today Article Preview – 11/23/2010 (PDF article preview for non-subscribers)
Jubal, as for me, I just wish the leaders would take a moment each Christmas to remind me what I’m singing about!